Five Great Advantages of Playing Flag Football


Topping the list is fun, because having fun is what flag football is all about during regular games, practices, and tournament events. Fewer players on the field equates to faster play, along with more player engagement, and more fun!

While kids are having fun, they are also reaping enormous fitness benefits as they run, jump, stop and start. Flag football improves cardiovascular health and bone strength since it is a fast moving game with a variety of movements. Kids don’t know they are developing motor skills, speed, strength, and stamina, along with hand-eye coordination because they are having too much fun doing it. Flag football is a great way to stay in shape. It’s a great way to burn calories while toning muscles. It’s also a great way to make new friends. 

Playing flag football can improve MENTAL HEALTH and mental toughness. Kids learn from mistakes and how to improve upon their skills, and to persevere. Flag football involves periods of calm interspersed with some friendly chaos, and those conditions can teach kids how to deal with high amounts of pressure. The teamwork involved can provide a sense of well-being. Kids learn communication skills and how to cooperate with teammates to get things done and reach goals. Studies have actually shown that athletes involved in team sports tend to have better problem-solving skills, organizational skills, and work ethics. In all likelihood, it’s a result of an improved sense of self esteem. 

Good Sportsmanship is a valuable benefit of playing flag football since it also applies to life in general. Life is full of owning up to responsibilities, learning how to work with others both professionally and personally, and learning to accept both success and failure. Flag football also provides opportunities for kids to learn how to take on leadership roles and delegate responsibility. Kids learn how to rely on each other while receiving direction from authority figures. 

Good Social Skills are vital in this day and age of digital presence and technology. Flag football gets kids out from behind the dreaded blue screens, or smartphones, and gets them out on the field playing outdoors like kids should be doing. Once again, kids develop effective communication skills with both teammates and coaches. Social skills are vital on the field, in the classroom, or in the boardroom. Flag football teaches repetitive drills and running techniques. Players have to learn to be disciplined in order to repeat these skills over and over again to reach their goals. 

Organized group sports, such as flag football, have shown to offer great benefits and advantages to kids. Studies reveal kids who participate in team sports get higher grades in school, engage in more volunteer work, have better family attachment and relationships, and have less of a chance of getting involved in risky behaviors. Team sports instills higher self-esteem in kids. This should underscore the positive benefits of playing flag football. 


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